In News

Information on company products is often sparse, and it can benefit from being centralised in the same database. The results of this centralisation? Save time, improve collaborative work, homogenise information, improve the reliability of data… MaPS System is a powerful, strong and complete MDM tool… and it doesn’t stop there!

It’s multichannel too

Once your product data is well structured in your MaPS system, you can decide to publish it using the multichannel mode. This term doesn’t hide a very complex system: it simply means publishing part of your data using one or more communication channels, according to your needs. Let’s take an example: your MaPS System database can send regularly updated flows of information about products to your website. In fact, it can send them to as many websites as you like! At the same time, you can set the parameters for publishing your catalogue in your MaPS System. Once the templates have been integrated, it’s easy to prepare the PDF file which can be sent to the printer. You can thus create your POS advertising for your next trade fair or for your showroom or shop… or even publish a presentation of your special offers on a touch-screen tablet!